Monday, February 13, 2023

Ya Comin' -- You're not comin'?

 You want to keep it a secret as to whether you'll accept my invitation to my event?  You want to see if something more interesting comes up?  Maybe your butt hurts at the last moment?  Maybe you don't like the way your hair came out today?  Tell you what!  Just take some Nyquil and go to bed.  That will be the best for all of us.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Blasphemous Guest

Dear Kani,

We invited a new neighbor to our home to share the bounty of a meal to express gratitude and discuss our salvation by our Lord and Savior. She asked if there would be music. I told her that of course we sing hymns sometimes in praise of our Father.

Our guest was delightful at first. She brought some wine as a gift, but we do not drink, so we thanked her but abstained. We don't even have a wine opener! After some effort she managed to open the bottle by prying out the cork with a cocktail fork, and drank several glasses while we talked for a while. Soon we all sat down for our meal.

As we said grace, all of a sudden our guest pulled out two pieces of wood and started banging them together wildly. We asked her to please stop, that we were giving thanks to our Lord, but she just kept beating them together louder and demanding music. We tried to disregard her, but then she got up on her chair and began swinging her arms and banging her wood pieces violently!

Finally she had to be subdued by my young sons. My family and I were deeply offended. We asked that she leave us in peace. But she lives immediately below us and keeps banging her wood for hours a night, every night. We've called the police, but they told us she was not making enough noise to register a complaint!

She does not leave us in peace! What can we do?


* * *

Dear Job,

Why don't you listen to this song:

Song of Healing

I think it'll make you feel a lot better.
